Private Categories and Wikis Needed

For confidential work instructions that require a flexible document structure (not achievable with Guides), we are forced to create the work instruction as a Wiki page which lacks the page privatization features available to Guides.

In these (many) cases where the work instructions are for a specific department's eyes only, we need to be able to restrict access to the Wiki page and/or category to specific users/Teams in order to keep the work instructions private.

[flag|private] is not secure enough for our purposes as anyone with the direct link can access the Wiki or category, either with the URL or simply by navigating to the correct category.

Please consider PRIVATE WIKIS and PRIVATE CATEGORIES for development. This is a major pain point for us as we upload standard works for departments which require flexible document structure AND true access restriction.

Alternatively, please develop more flexible, Wiki-like formatting as a page type option for creating Guides, so that we can use the existing privatization features that are available!

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