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This category gives an overview of how to use the Courses feature on your Dozuki site.

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Assign courses by team.

If I assign a course to a team with a due date of 30 days and add someone to the team at a later date will his/her course show overdue from the beginning or will the due date default to the date the person was added to the team?

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Based on your explanation:

  1. Create course
  2. Assign the course to Team A with 30 Day Deadline.
  3. Add User B to Team A after X days from the assignment to the team (X = any number of days).

The course will not show overdue for User B, and they will have 30 days to complete the course.

  • The due date is calculated based on the time that User B joined Team A (the time the user joined the team that’s assigned to the course).
    • Note that this is for the initial due date, and different behavior applies to dates relating to recurrent training deadlines.
      Recurrent Training deadlines are based on the team and are the same for all users in the team, regardless of when they joined.

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