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Minor Versionm

by Heather Crary


This guide demonstrates how to convert from Google's OpenID to OAuth 2.0.

On September 1, 2014, Google deprecated OpenID authentication and converted to OAuth 2.0 login. Due to this, Dozuki changed from Google's OpenID service to OAuth 2.0. If you have not converted to OpenID to OAuth 2.0, your OpenID users will no longer be able to log into your site.

Read about Google's change to OAuth 2.0 and review their Developer instructions. Note: If you follow Google's instructions, under "OAuth 2.0 Overview," only follow step 1. Create a client ID and client secret.

Please Note: When activated this feature opens up your site to anyone with a Google account. In order to avoid this, it is important to restrict the domain.

  1. This guide walks you through Google's instructions on getting credentials and then shows you how to enter them into your Dozuki site's /Manage interface.
    • Select your existing project or create a new one by clicking Create Project. If you already have a project, skip down to Step 4.

  2. If you are creating a new project, you should type a name for your project in the Project name field. In the Project ID field, optionally type in a project ID for your project or use the one that the console has created for you. This ID must be unique world-wide. After you have agreed to Google's Terms of Service, click on the Create button and wait for the project to be created. The project name appears at the top of the left sidebar, indicating that you are now editing the project.
    • If you are creating a new project, you should type a name for your project in the Project name field.

    • In the Project ID field, optionally type in a project ID for your project or use the one that the console has created for you. This ID must be unique world-wide.

    • After you have agreed to Google's Terms of Service, click on the Create button and wait for the project to be created. The project name appears at the top of the left sidebar, indicating that you are now editing the project.

    • Note: There may be short delay of up to 30 seconds before the project is created.

  3. In the left sidebar, select Library.
    • In the left sidebar, select Library.

    • A list of Google web services appears.

    • Select Google+API.

  4. Click Enable
    • Click Enable

    • For some customers with an existing project, Google+ API may already be Enabled.

  5. Click on the Go to Credentials button. For the section, Where will you be calling the API from?, choose Web browser (Javascript).
    • Click on the Go to Credentials button.

    • For the section, Where will you be calling the API from?, choose Web browser (Javascript).

    • For the section, What data will you be accessing?, select User Data.

  6. In the AUTHORIZED JAVASCRIPT ORIGINS text box, enter your Dozuki site URL and any Customer Domain Aliases that you have set up.
    • In the AUTHORIZED JAVASCRIPT ORIGINS text box, enter your Dozuki site URL and any Customer Domain Aliases that you have set up.

    • E.g. and your domain alias of

    • Remove everything from the AUTHORIZED REDIRECT URI field, per Google's instructions.

  7. For the Product Name Section, use Dozuki. Click continue and download your credentials.
    • For the Product Name Section, use Dozuki.

    • Click continue and download your credentials.

    • Open the download, and you will see your client secret in the text box on the second to last line.

  8. Under the Configuration section of the Management Console of your Douzki site, Select Security. Under the Authentication section, Edit the Google Login. Check to Allow login via Google.
    • Under the Configuration section of the Management Console of your Douzki site, Select Security.

    • Under the Authentication section, Edit the Google Login.

    • Check to Allow login via Google.

    • Fields for your Client ID and Client Secret will appear.

    • Please Note: When activated, this feature opens up your site to anyone with a Google account. In order to avoid this, it is important to restrict the domain.

  9. Edit and complete each of the additional fields that display. Be sure to Save after completing each.
    • Edit and complete each of the additional fields that display.

    • Be sure to Save after completing each.

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Dozuki System

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