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This overview helps you get started with Dozuki and shows you the benefits of using Dozuki for your documentation. The foundation for any good manual is clear and effective step-by-step documentation. Guides allow you to easily illustrate technical procedures to any audience. Our guide creation tools make it easy to write, edit, and publish guides.

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Pass/Fail based on data entered

I know you can limit a numeric data field by a range. What I’m wondering is if there is a way to automatically mark a field as pass/fail based on a range. For instance, if the range is between 1-10 and the user enters 11 they are still allowed to enter 11 but then the data field is ‘marked’ as a fail.

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Hello @jtgood!

Thank you for your question. We don’t currently support pass/fail checks based on data capture entries, but we do support supervisor review through our Signoff features. You can read more about signoffs here

We’re continually working on building and refining the features of our platform, so questions and feedback like yours are important to us. We’ll take some notes about your needs in data capture and share them with our development team. In the meantime, we’ll have our customer success team follow up with you to discuss strategies for leveraging data capture to meet your team’s needs.

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