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Lean manufacturing, Lean Enterprise, or lean production, often simply, "lean", is a production philosophy that considers the expenditure of resources in any aspect other than the direct creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and thus a target for elimination.

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How often should you perform a 5S audit?

How often should I be performing a 5S audit? Is it something that should be done at a set frequency?

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Build good habits. Create the culture of continuous improvement by taking continuous improvement actions every day. I suggest auditing every day. This might seem extreme at first. Remember "we are what we repeatedly do."

Don't forget that auditing is part of the fifth S--sustain. Be sure to sort, straighten, shine and standardize first. Otherwise, the audits can be frustrating for everyone.

Don't worry too much about trying fix everything everyday. That just isn't realistic. Pick the low hanging fruit first. Go for quick wins to build the practice of accomplishing your improvements. If everyone makes one small improvement every day. Soon you will have drastically improved the operation.

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Author avatar Eric Doster will be eternally grateful.