Should the images stay in the image directory after using them?
My Image directory has always kept my images that I've used in questions or answers. I wouldn't think this would be very useful since I'm soon going to get lost in my massive collection. I also noticed that if I delete one, that is in the directory, that the place I used it in shows an error.
Will the image always show up there or is this a bug? If you do want to show the images it would be nice to the ability to toggle between images I've used and images I haven't used.
Please see the image below for a better understanding. Please note that all of the images you see are already being using in questions or answers. Thanks
Is this a good question?
It looks like there's a bug in the image code with answers that you're running into. I'm sorry about that, and we're working non-stop right now to get it fixed. I'll update this later today with a description of how everything works—once we get it working. :-)
by Kyle Wiens
Thanks Kyle, I don't expect immediate solutions. Just wanted to make you guys aware. I have a talent for finding bugs or should I say they find me. Just ask Eric. Thanks again
by Aaron