Now that your operators are organized into Teams and they've completed some Courses, how do you keep track of who knows what? Enter Skills, a matrix view accessible from multiple locations on the site, that displays a breakdown of job skill proficiencies by operator.
Viewing Skills
There are three ways you can view Skills: in bulk, via Courses or Teams, or individually, via specific guides.
Click on the Skills Matrix tab on the Manage Courses page to display a list of all teams, regardless of whether or not they are assigned to that specific course.
From the Teams page, select an individual team, then click Skills Matrix to bring up a list of assigned courses
These views are essentially interchangeable; you can easily switch from one to the other by clicking the gear icon on the left, then clicking "View Course Skills," or "View Team Skills," respectively.
On a Guide
In a guide's main reference view, click Options in the top-right corner and select Skills Matrix from the drop-down menu. Similar to viewing skills by courses, this view displays all teams.
Managing Skills
Skills are broken down into a 0-4 scale, where 0 represents untrained and 4 represents expert proficiency; i.e., someone rated 4 knows the process or skill so well that they should be part of the training team.
Skill Weights
You can set a "weight" to User and Management actions when it comes to tracking skills. The exact balance can vary depending on your organization's needs and best practices, but must always add up to 100%.
Admins can adjust skill weights via Configuration > Skills Matrix Weights on the Management Console.