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Work Log

A Work Log Entry represents a single run-through of a guide. This is used with the data-entry feature to record timing information on guide completions. For metadata about the step forms into which data is entered, see the Step Forms section.

GET /work_log

List of work log entries. See GET /work_log/{entryid} for a description of the work_data field.

GET /work_log/{entryid}

Get all information about an entry with a known entryid. Work data is presented as a list of values keyed on field_revisionid from Step Forms. In the example below, the field with field_revisionid '123' has received input from the user of string 'example', and the field with field_revisionid '124' has received input of a checked checkbox. Note that all output will be as strings, regardless of input type. Boolean values from checkboxes will be converted to '1' or '0'.

POST /work_log

Create a new entry with the current logged in userid and a given guideid, and workorderid. The work_data field is included for consistency, though it will always be empty upon creation.

POST /work_log/{entryid}/finish

Set the endtime of an entry to the current time, marking the entry as complete. The guide_revisionid represents the current version of the guide. If this value changes, it means the guide has been edited.

POST /work_log/{entryid}/cancel

Set the endtime of an entry to the current time, marking the entry as cancelled.

POST /work_log/{entryid}/pause

Pause the timing on an entry. Whatever step was active before will become inactive, and pause time will start counting up.

POST /work_log/{entryid}/resume

Resume a paused entry. The previous step that was active will resume.

PUT /work_log/{entryid}/stepData

Save data from a step form for a specific work log entry.

DELETE /work_log/{entryid}

Delete a work log entry and all associated data.

GET /work_log/{guideid}/suspended

Get the suspended work log sessions for the specified guide. Caller must be able to view the guide.

POST /work_log/{entryid}/suspend

Suspend an in progress work order. Suspended work orders can be assumed by another user.

POST /work_log/{entryid}/assume

Assume a suspended work order. Caller must be able to view the guide.