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Minor Versionm

Approved GTM

by Maja Grkinic


This guide demonstrates the process of publishing a new release of a wiki or category page.

Who Can Publish Content?

Users with Admin or Author privileges can make changes to the wikis or category pages and publish a new release of the page.

  1. After completing your edits, click on the  View Draft button. The drop-down in the upper-left of the page will read DRAFT.
    • After completing your edits, click on the View Draft button.

    • The drop-down in the upper-left of the page will read DRAFT.

    • The drop-down arrow will expand to display all of the published releases of the wiki or category page.

    • Click on the Create Release button in the upper-right of the page.

  2. When the page refreshes, the Create Release window will open.
    • When the page refreshes, the Create Release window will open.

  3. Select either Major Version or Minor Version to identify the version type for this new release. Major Versions are typically categorized as document releases that contain major changes to steps (procedures) or the addition or editing of data capture forms. Minor Versions are typically categorized as document releases that contain only small changes to the document, like grammar, punctuation, or spelling.
    • Select either Major Version or Minor Version to identify the version type for this new release.

    • Major Versions are typically categorized as document releases that contain major changes to steps (procedures) or the addition or editing of data capture forms.

    • Minor Versions are typically categorized as document releases that contain only small changes to the document, like grammar, punctuation, or spelling.

    • Wikis and category pages can have different Approval Processes assigned to Major and Minor versions.

    • Alternatively, a single Approval Process can be assigned for one version type with no process assigned for the other. With this scenario, Authors have the ability to publish the release without it first going through an Approval Process.

  4. If auto-numbering is enabled on your site, a version number will populate when you select the Version Type. Major Versions  increase the version to the next whole integer.
    • If auto-numbering is enabled on your site, a version number will populate when you select the Version Type.

    • Major Versions increase the version to the next whole integer.

    • Ex: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

    • Minor Versions increase the version to the next decimal.

    • Ex: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

  5. A Release Title can be set for the new release version of the wiki or category page.
    • A Release Title can be set for the new release version of the wiki or category page.

    • The use of a Release Title replaces the release version number in the Version History.

  6. In the Release Notes field, record the change(s) that will be published in the new release.
    • In the Release Notes field, record the change(s) that will be published in the new release.

    • Once the new release is published, site users can view the Release Notes on the wiki or category page.

  7. To immediately publish your release, be sure the Publish drop-down field is set on Immediately. Click on the Publish button.
    • To immediately publish your release, be sure the Publish drop-down field is set on Immediately.

    • Click on the Publish button.

    • Once the page refreshes to its normal view, the release date updates.

    • If published immediately, the current date shows in the upper-left of the page.

  8. To immediately publish a release that has an Approval Process, click the Request Approval button in the lower-right corner, beneath the Release Notes field. The release status will now be Awaiting Approval.
    • To immediately publish a release that has an Approval Process, click the Request Approval button in the lower-right corner, beneath the Release Notes field.

    • The release status will now be Awaiting Approval.

  9. To schedule a future Publish date and time, click in the Publish drop-down field. If you do not adjust this field, the new release will be published immediately (or immediately after it clears any Approval Process assigned).
    • To schedule a future Publish date and time, click in the Publish drop-down field.

    • If you do not adjust this field, the new release will be published immediately (or immediately after it clears any Approval Process assigned).

    • Select on a specific date

    • Click in the date field in the lower-right of the page.

    • Type in the publish date for the new release, or you can select it from the calendar.

  10. To publish after a specified number of days, select after a number of days. Type in the number of days between the day the release is approved and the day the release is published.
    • To publish after a specified number of days, select after a number of days.

    • Type in the number of days between the day the release is approved and the day the release is published.

    • The selected number of days will only start "counting down" once the release has been approved; the release will be unpublished until then, regardless of how much time passes.

    • When it is part of a course, users can immediately train on the new release.

  11. Click on the Request Approval button when all of the fields are complete. Once the page refreshes to its normal view, the release date will update.
    • Click on the Request Approval button when all of the fields are complete.

    • Once the page refreshes to its normal view, the release date will update.

    • When the release of a wiki or category page is scheduled to publish on a specific date, the status of the release displays as AWAITING APPROVAL or APPROVED, if approved.

  12. If the wiki or category page has been assigned an Approval Process, click the Request Approval button in the lower-right corner, beneath the Release Notes field. The release status will now be Awaiting Approval.
    • If the wiki or category page has been assigned an Approval Process, click the Request Approval button in the lower-right corner, beneath the Release Notes field.

    • The release status will now be Awaiting Approval.

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Dozuki System

Member since: 09/24/2009

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184 Guides authored


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