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Approved General Content Updates

by Robert Sprankle


This guide demonstrates how to moderate answers to questions posted on the Answers Forum.

Who Can Moderate Answers?

Answers is a community-based feature that invites all community members with 100+ reputation to participate in the voting process for moderating answers to posted questions.

Before action is taken, each option for moderation requires a certain number of votes from individual users in the community.

If necessary, site users with Moderator or Administrator privileges can always override pending votes and make an immediate moderation decision.

  1. Navigate to the page containing the question with the answer that you want to moderate.
    • Navigate to the page containing the question with the answer that you want to moderate.

    • Click on the Options menu in the top-right corner of the question box.

    • Select Moderate from the drop-down menu.

    • This option is only available to users with reputation over 100 points, privileged site users, and the user who posted the question.

  2. Five community user votes are required for the answer to be accepted as the solution to a question.
    • Five community user votes are required for the answer to be accepted as the solution to a question.

    • To accept a solution to a question, click on the Accept as solution button.

    • This labels the solution as the selected answer for the question.

  3. Five community user votes are required for an answer to be removed as spam or offensive.
    • Five community user votes are required for an answer to be removed as spam or offensive.

    • To remove an answer that is spam or offensive, click on the Remove as spam/offensive button.

    • This deletes the post and docks the author's reputation 100 points.

    • This should be used as a last resort. Reputation is too hard to come by to punish someone for a one-time or innocent mistake.

  4. Five community user votes are required for the answer to be removed as duplicate or off-topic.
    • Five community user votes are required for the answer to be removed as duplicate or off-topic.

    • To remove an answer as duplicate or off-topic, click on the Remove as duplicate or off-topic button.

    • This deletes the answer and makes it invisible to normal users.

  5. Three community user votes are required for the answer to be switched to a comment.
    • Three community user votes are required for the answer to be switched to a comment.

    • To switch an answer to a comment, click on the Switch to a comment button.

    • This changes the answer to a comment when someone posts an answer that is not really a solution to the problem.

    • This is typically done when someone posts saying they have the same issue, which really contains no helpful solutions.

    • Switching the answer to a comment bumps the question to the top of the activity queue, which benefits everyone.

  6. Three community user votes are required for the answer to be switched to a question.
    • Three community user votes are required for the answer to be switched to a question.

    • To switch an answer to a question, click on the Switch to a question button.

    • This changes an answer to a question when a user (who might not understand how things work quite yet) posts another question as an answer on someone else's question.

    • The user now has a chance to receive a response. It also gives users more opportunities to share their knowledge.

    • If there is not enough information to answer the question, it is better to remove it so it does not clutter the site.

  7. Three community user votes are required for the answer to be switched to update to a question.
    • Three community user votes are required for the answer to be switched to update to a question.

    • To switch an answer to update to a question, click on the Switch to update to question button.

    • This turns either a comment or an answer to a question into an update to the original question.

  8. If you posted the question or have Moderator or Administrator privileges for the site, you will see the Force vote to pass? checkbox under the moderation options.
    • If you posted the question or have Moderator or Administrator privileges for the site, you will see the Force vote to pass? checkbox under the moderation options.

    • To force a vote to pass, click the Force vote to pass? checkbox.

    • Checking this box means that you are using your privileges to bypass the additional votes required to complete your moderation selection.

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Dozuki System

Member since: 09/24/2009

1 Reputation

184 Guides authored


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