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How may I view a list of all my unpublished guide?

I manage a lot of guides at once and lose track of if I've published them or not. This is problematic for other users because they can't view them. Is there a way for me to view a list of all of my unpublished guides?

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I discovered how an author can view all Unpublished Guides they've contributed to. It's rather simple and intuitively place under there profile page but for some reason it took me a while to find. Here is a guide on it if others have trouble as well: [invalid guide link].

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Hi Forrest,

You can navigate to your Site Explorer in your Management Console, then view the "Release Versions" tab to see an overview of the Release Status of all guides on your site. Check out the Version Control Management Page for more information about each of the sections shown.

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Is there a way for authors to do this for guides they have authored? The above solution only works with admin privileges.


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