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Can photos be labeled either with numbers or, even better, legends?

Since you can include three photos per step, it would be great if they were at least numbered so that they could be referred to in the text specifically. It would be even better if the photos could have descriptions below them -- like figure legends -- so that each part could be described in detail seperate from the instruction text.

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It's not perfect but one idea is that you could use the Line tool to make roman numerals in the bottom corner of the image and reference it as (image III) for example.


I figured out a CSS solution to add numbers to the image icons.

Block Image

In the Custom CSS section for your site add:

/* ######## Step Image Numbering ######### */
div[data-fullimg^="stepImage1"]::Before {content:"1";}
div[data-fullimg^="stepImage2"]::Before {content:"2";}
div[data-fullimg^="stepImage3"]::Before {content:"3";}
div[data-fullimg^="stepImage"]::Before {position:absolute;bottom:10;right:10; width: 1.6em; margin: 0; background-color: #333; text-align: center; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; color: #fff;}

This will be applied to every icon in all guides.

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We won't be adding extra descriptions per image, but to refer to a specific image, our users usually write "as shown in the first image" or something similar.

We do, however, have plans to improve our image markers. In the future, you'll be able to add arrows pointing at specific parts of an image. You'll be able to change the size and colors of these arrows to match the colors of the bullets and other markup that you can use.

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Author avatar Kate Lovero will be eternally grateful.